5 Tips to Improve Overhead Mobility

1. Stretch your shoulders and upper back regularly: Overhead mobility requires good flexibility in your shoulders and upper back. Stretching these muscles regularly can help to improve your range of motion. Try stretches like the shoulder dislocation stretch, the wall angel stretch, and the doorway stretch.

2. Work on your thoracic spine mobility: The thoracic spine, which is the middle part of your back, can also affect your overhead mobility. Exercises that focus on thoracic spine mobility, such as foam rolling and cat-cow stretches, can help to loosen up this area.

3. Strengthen your rotator cuff muscles: The rotator cuff muscles are responsible for stabilizing the shoulder joint, which is important for overhead movements. Strengthening these muscles with exercises like external rotations and YTWLs can help to improve your overhead mobility.

4. Practice overhead movements regularly: The more you practice overhead movements like overhead presses and pull-ups, the more comfortable and efficient you will become at these movements. This can also help to improve your overhead mobility over time.

5. Address any imbalances or weaknesses: If you have imbalances or weaknesses in your shoulders or upper back, they can affect your overhead mobility. Addressing these issues with targeted exercises or seeing a physical therapist can help to improve your overall mobility.

Alee Athletics